Bonus: in the family
“This is not an all or nothing decision. Rather than a “on/off” switch, it is more like a dial that should be adjusted.”
While Shelter in Place is on break between seasons, we're re-releasing some of our favorite episodes. Today's bonus episode is a combination of two (48 & 76), when we interviewed infectious disease specialist Dr. Joyce Sanchez, and epidemiologist Dr. José Luis Sanchez. With many of us considering summer travel plans and activities, there’s a lot of timely advice about flying versus driving, wearing masks, indoor versus outdoor activities, exercising, which groups have more and less risk, and other COVID-related topics.
Show notes:
Disclaimer: It should also be clear that Dr. José L. Sanchez is not representing the Department of Defense or the U.S. military establishment, and that his opinions are only those from his personal/professional standpoint. In this way, he cannot be held liable or in violation of any D.o.D./U.S. military statutes or regulations that he may not agree with, or be held liable or in contempt in any way when he mentioned that this country should be moving to have a "Health Care Act" akin to the Social Security Act, which enables all Americans to have equitable and high-quality access to medical care.