What have you appreciated about the podcast?

Share your thoughts in a brief voice memo; see directions below!

Email us here. Thank you!

Prompt questions

  • What is your name (only if you’d like to be identified–otherwise we’ll assume you want to be anonymous)?

  • What has the podcast meant to you?

  • Were there specific episodes that spoke to you? Why?

  • Anything else you’d like us to know?

If you haven’t recorded a voice memo for a podcast before, these tips will be helpful:

1) Record.

Using a smartphone, record your replies to the prompt questions above. An app like Voice Memos for iPhone or Voice Recorder for Android works well!

Try to record somewhere quiet, away from fans, appliances, barking dogs, cars, etc. A closet or a car in a quiet place is a great place to record.

Record your replies off the cuff—just the way your thoughts and memories come to you. We’ll edit the audio, so don’t worry about mistakes! The most important thing is to speak from the heart. 

All recordings will be anonymous unless you identify yourself in the recording!

2) Email us your recording

Most voice recording apps allow you to email the file straight from the app, using the “share” function. If your file is too big, try using WeTransfer—it’s a free service and you don’t need an account! Send the files to hello@shelterinplacepodcast.org.

3) Subscribe & Listen

Subscribe to Shelter in Place on any podcast app so you get the episode as soon as it goes live in May!

I can’t guarantee that everyone who submits a recording will be in the finale episode, but we will do our best to include all of the voice memos we can!

Still have questions? Email us at hello@shelterinplacepodcast.org.

Note: by submitting your recording you are giving us permission to use your recording for our Shelter in Place season 3 finale episode. Thanks again!