Welcome to Shelter in Place // starter episodes

Wondering if Shelter in Place is for you? Or how to dive in? The selected episodes in this section represent a sample of the show, both in style and subject matter. Episode styles fall mostly into two categories: interviews (Laura talking to a friend or expert in some area), and memoir (personal reflections). Episodes will be tagged either interview or memoir, and by topic. (There are also a small number of fiction episodes, also tagged as such.)

In general, Shelter in Place episodes stand on their own; they don’t have to be listened to sequentially, unless you are especially interested in hearing the evolution of the show over the course of the pandemic.

  • Season two has an over-arching theme of our cross-country migration, or “Pandemic Odyssey,” but each episode focuses on a particular topic. Weekly episodes, averaging around 30 minutes.

  • Season one episodes came out six days a week, and average 18 minutes long.


 “No matter the subject matter discussed, Laura always makes listeners feel like we are right there with her on the journey…”

— eveb99 on Apple Podcasts

Have you left a review yet? It’s a crucial way to help others decide to listen. On your phone, click this link, scroll down below episodes, then tap “Write a Review.” Thank you so much! We read every single one. Multiple times!